9 Easy Yoga Poses for Hemorrhoids

People often believe that more physical activity and exercises are going to aggravate the problem of piles but the reality is quite the opposite. A more physically active lifestyle and specific exercises reduce the intensity of the problem and prevent flare-ups.

External hemorrhoids

Exercises tone pelvic floor muscles and maintain blood flow in the region. Healthy blood flow heals cuts and bruises in the rectal lining and also diffuse inflammation to relieve symptoms and treat the problem.

Here is a list of 9 easy exercises to get relief from haemorrhoids and lessen pain and discomfort, and prevent flare-ups in future.
  • Walking is the easiest and simplest of all the 9 easy exercises to get relief from haemorrhoids. Walking increase blood flow in the pelvic region and keep the groin region strong and protected from sagginess. A healthy flow of blood also tones the entire rectal lining and diffuse inflammation. Regular walk improves digestion and treats constipation. Hard stools are major causes of piles and flares-ups of the problem. The easy walk followed by brisk walking is good exercises to stop bleeding piles and get relief from external haemorrhoids quickly. 
  • Padma-asana is a Yoga pose which is also classified as sitting pose to focus. This pose for 5-10 minutes increases blood rush in the pelvic region. The pose transfers chink of bodyweight towards thighs and lower muscles and stretches the groin and low back muscles. The effects of this pose are good for a person suffering from internal or external haemorrhoids to gain relief. Regular practice of Padma-asana is an effective way to lessen pain and treat discomfort. 
  • Kegel exercises are recommended to tone pelvic muscles. There are many benefits of these exercises and one of them is the healthy anal lining. This can be performed in a standing or lying position. Just squeeze the muscles which you would stop urine flow. Hold the muscles for 3 seconds and release and squeeze again. Repeat a few times and perform such sessions a few times in the day. Gradually increase duration and repetitions. These are amongst 9 easy exercises to get relief from haemorrhoids quickly
  • Sit in a tub containing enough warm water to cover your buttocks and flow over your front part. Stay in this for 10-15 minutes to absorb heat. The heat of the water will diffuse inflammation and shrink haemorrhoids causing pain and blood loss. Sitz bath is a good way to get relief from external haemorrhoids quickly and also internal bleeding piles. 
  • Stress can cause poor digestion and constipation. Breathing exercises are good ways to relieve stress hence recommended to people suffering from piles due to indigestion and constipation. Perform 5-10 minutes of breathing exercises and if you can do these while sitting in Padma-asana much better. These exercises increase the level of oxygen in the blood and improve each and every part and cell of the body. These are good exercises to shrink haemorrhoids and improve the digestive system
  • Stand with feet little apart and put your arms straight above your head. Now stretch your arms higher as if you want to touch something which is at a higher point. Open your palms and stretch your body from both sides evenly as much as you can. Once you have reached the point from where you cannot stretch any further hold this position for a few seconds and release. Repeat these few times to stop bleeding piles and relieve discomfort. 
  • Headstand is a famous Yoga pose that holds entire bodyweight on head and shoulders. You need to master it before practising in an expert’s company. Learn this pose and practice regularly to treat haemorrhoid problems. 
  • Pavan-Mukta-asana expels trapped gas which causes dry and hard stools and triggers and aggravates piles. Lie on your back and fold your legs bringing knees towards the stomach. Wrap your hand and pull your knees closer to stomach. Hold this position for a few seconds and release. Repeat a few times to gain better digestion, smooth bowel movements and relief from piles. 
  • Stand straight and stretch your arms above your head. Now bring them down keeping your legs straight and try to touch your feet with fingertips. Go back to starting position and repeat again. Few repetitions of this exercise regularly shrink haemorrhoids and prevent flare-ups. 
shrink overgrown haemorrhoids

Best Hemorrhoids Relief Supplements 

Along with these exercises use of Pilesgon capsules provides quick results and treat the problem for the long term.

These pills come with herbs that relieve pain and discomfort and stop blood loss and in a short time shrink overgrown haemorrhoids.

The herbal ingredients of these pills are a powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerating herbs that enhance the strength of walls of anal lining and protect them from cuts bruises and swelling.

These supplements improve digestion, treat constipation and maintain healthy veins in the rectal lining to suppress flare-ups in future.

Pilesgon capsules can be used without any medical prescription to get relief from external haemorrhoids quickly and stop bleeding piles by a person of any age.

These are non-prescriptive remedies that do not cause any adverse effect on health.

These minimize the need for surgeries and provide long term relief naturally.


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