Top 20 Insomnia Cure Tips

Insomnia, in general, has very few physical reasons compared to psychological and behavioural. The physical causes of insomnia are pain, hormonal problems, pregnancy and illness but there are innumerable psychological causes and behavioural factors that lead to sleeplessness.

Insomnia hacks have shown improvement in the condition of many insomniacs by diluting the negative effects of psychological problems and behavioural issues.

Here is a list of 19 insomnia cure hacks that may help in gaining sound sleep.

  • Put an alarm. Exact wake-up time over few days trains the mind to fall asleep quickly. Do not snooze, leave the bed when the alarm goes off for the first time. 
  • Paint your bedroom with tranquil colours. It is not good to get your bedroom painted in your favourite colour. Your favourite colour is always going to have some kind of impact over your mental state and you do not want to have a rush of thoughts in the bedroom. So go for soothing and relaxing colours. 
  • Avoid work before bedtime. You may feel good after finishing day’s task before going to bed but your mind may take pretty long to gear down. Avoid work at least an hour before bedtime to get rid of sleepless nights. 
  • Cut down of caffeine. It is not that coffee can wipe-off your sleep if you drink a cup or two before bedtime. Even late afternoon cup of coffee may alter your sleep plans. Avoid coffee after an afternoon and keep its intake under control during the day to gain sound sleep and fight depression. 
  • Ensure that your bedroom is completely dark when you sleep unless you have any issues with complete darkness if you feel uncomfortable in a completely dark room to make sure that light does not fall over your closed eyes. Darkness promotes the release of sleep hormones and makes you sleazy to fall asleep quickly. 
  • Try socks in bed. Many people are able to sleep well after wearing socks in bed. It is recommended as one of the home remedies to fall asleep fast. 
  • Keep room temperature lower than the normal temperature. The coolness will keep you comfortable under a sheet or blanket and the warmth helps you to fall asleep quickly. It is one of the 19 easy insomnia cure hacks. 

  • Do not work on the bed. Your bedroom shall be reserved only for sleeping and romance and nothing else. By reserving bedroom just for sleeping helps you to get rid of anxiety and gain sound sleep. 
  • Do not keep your bedroom too quiet. If your bedroom is too quiet even feeble noise will disturb you. 
  • Make sure that your bed is comfortable and soothing. There is no general rule for making one’s bed, whichever way you feel comfortable is the best way to manage your bed. A comfortable bed is an easy way to get rid of sleepless nights. 
  • Use essential oils in your bedroom. Soothing aroma and vapours of essential oils work as home remedies to fall asleep fast. 
  • Do eat too much before bedtime. If your stomach is too full it may obstruct your respiratory tract and cause sleeplessness. Eat light food at least 2 hours before bedtime to gain sound sleep and fight depression. 
  • Meditation in the morning can help you get rid of sleepless nights. It is not a hack but works as a treatment in many cases. Meditation provides control over thoughts and mental clarity which brings sound sleep. 
  • Take a shower an hour before bedtime. Bathing normalizes blood pressure and relieves stress and anxiety. It is a good way to get rid of anxiety and gain refreshing sleep. 
  • Take steps to reduce snoring. The problem of snoring is actually restricted breathing which disturbs sleep. Take steps so that you snore less and sleep without waking up a few times at night. 
  • Put off mobile and avoid chatting or calling before bedtime. It is one of the important 19 easy insomnia cure hacks. 
  • Get out of bed and leave your bedroom if you can’t sleep. Lying in bed awake causes depression and irritation. Do not put on TV or computer either, just take a walk in the living room or go to the balcony for some time till you start feeling sloppy again. 
  • Wake up to get early morning Sun. This is another useful addition to 19 easy insomnia cure hacks. 
  • With herbal teas before bedtime, you can get rid of anxiety and depression and gain sound sleep. Few cups during the day also help in gaining sound sleep. 
  • Try yoga poses or prayer before hitting the bed. These are useful hacks to get rid of sleepless nights. 

Best Natural Sleep Aid Supplements 

Aaram capsules are herbal supplements that bring back a healthy sleep-wake cycle and allow you to sleep regularly for sufficient duration.

These are not intoxicating pills but correct hormonal release, counter stress, anxiety and depression, and relieve tired muscles and nerves to bring sound sleep.

There are no side effects of these supplements.

One does not feel drowsy in the morning or suffer from headaches like in case of OTC sleeping pills.

These do not cause any dependency either and one gains healthy sleeping pattern naturally after use.


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