Best Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Intelligent eating cut down your task when comes to lose weight. Effective and proper weight loss meal plan for men is the one that serves multiple needs – like maintain nutritional level, cleanses the internal system and improves energy.

Healthy Meal Plan for Fat Loss

Here are a few things about a diet plan that will burn fat naturally without lowering your energy and stamina, and overall health.

  • The best weight loss diet plan is a six-course meal and not a three-course plan. Many believe that staying on an empty stomach will push the body to burn fat, it does but also accumulates fat whenever you eat your first meal. So the end result is weight gain in place of weight loss. Instead of eating 2-3 large meals distribute your diet evenly over six meals in a day. 
  • Avoid too much sodium and sugar. People often put more focus on not eating fatty foods but ignore sugar and sodium consumption. This can foil your efforts. To burn fat naturally and fast keep a keen eye over your sodium and sugar intake and do not cross the healthy limits. 
  • Eat more homemade foods in order to lose weight fast. When you eat food cooked at home you can monitor the quality of oil and other ingredients used and also calories. 
  • Do not skip meals. In today’s busy lifestyle people are in habit of skipping meals which is one of the major reasons for the growing problem of obesity. If you skip meals your digestive system has unutilized digestive enzymes that turn acidic. When you eat after skipping breakfast or lunch you tend to eat more than usual. To gain most out of the healthy meal plan to treat obesity maintain the regular and timely eating pattern. 
  • Maintain water intake. Lesser water consumption slows down digestion and metabolism and promotes weight gain by promoting water retention. Drink 2-3 litres of water during the day without fail. Healthy water intake is a must for an effective weight loss meal plan to burn fat naturally. 
  • There should be a proper balance of fats, carbs, protein, minerals, vitamins and fibre in your diet. Do not reduce anything to zero. Meal plan devoid of any necessary nutrient cannot be a healthy and effective diet plan to treat obesity. 
  • Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet for all-round nutrition. Fruits and vegetables are easily digestible and source of essential nutrients and antioxidants. Generally, people have a very low proportion of fruits and veggies in their diet plan which stalls good effects of weight loss plan. 

Weekly Meal Plan for Weight Loss

We here suggest foods that are suitable for different meals of the day. These foods form a weight loss meal plan for men to treat obesity and increase muscle mass. By following this diet plan male can get a flat belly and slim athletic figure in much lesser effort and time. Choose foods of your choice to form a weekly diet plan and change it a bit next week to avoid boredom.

Early morning foods – one fruit and a handful of seeds like flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame etc./ 10-20 ml of wheatgrass juice and 8-10 almonds and 3-4 walnuts/ glass of any green leafy veggie juice and one fruit of your choice/ 10-15 ml of amla juice and 5 almonds and walnuts. These are great metabolism boosters that help you to get a flat belly fast.

Breakfast options for weight loss meal plan for men – Cheese sandwich with mint chutney / 2 eggs with 2 slices of wholegrain bread / 2 baked vegetable tortillas and one glass of fruit juice / bowl of oats and glass of fruit juice / bowl brown rice with sambhar / bowl of oats, flaxseeds and fruits / 2 baked tortillas with fenugreek powder and curd.

Mid-morning – vegetable soup / small plate of fruit salad/glass of milk / any fruit shake.

Pre-lunch – a glass of buttermilk/sprout salad/sprout soup / small bowl of yoghurt

Lunch – form your lunch with wholegrain bread/tortillas, ¼ portion of your meal shall be in form of veggies, ¼ of it in form of brown rice and remaining with beans, pulses and lentils to get a dose of protein. If you can eat non-veggie foods select from eggs, fish and poultry.

Evening snacks – a handful of seeds/bowl of veggie soup / green tea and one fruit/wholegrain chips/peanut chips/sprout salad

Dinner – once again dinner has to be nutritious but light. Eat more veggies and wholegrain at dinner. Vegetable porridge / curd with rice / brown rice with vegetable curry / chicken gravy / wholegrain tortillas with any green veggie / mix vegetable-rice are good options for dinner.

Best Natural Weight Loss Supplements 

Along with this diet plan start using Garcinia Cambogia extract pills.

These are herbal supplements that come with the goodness of Garcinia Cambogia a fruit which has gained popularity in reducing weight and providing the fit and slim body.

These are no side effects of this supplement.

There are no withdrawal symptoms of this supplement either by leading a healthy lifestyle and eating nutritious diet one maintains fitness and enjoys sound health for a longer period in life.


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