Best Drinks to Lower High Blood Pressure

Human mentality is to find a quick fix to any problem. In the case of hypertension, this is not possible. One has to maintain a healthy dietary and lifestyle regimen to keep the problem under control. Drinks certainly help in efforts to control BP. Healthy drinks lower high blood pressure naturally and also keep you fresh and energetic.

Drinks to lower Blood Pressure

Here is a list of 9 best healthy drinks to manage BP naturally :

  • Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium. It helps clearing sodium out from blood and lower blood pressure. Apple cider vinegar with a glass of water twice in a day is not only metabolism enhancer but supplements minerals and lowers hypertension. It is one of the useful drinks to manage BP naturally. 
  • Lemon water, as simple as it can get, squeeze one lemon in a glass of water and drink as first thing in the morning. You can gulp 1-2 glasses more during the day and clear toxins out of your system that increase BP. Lemon is an immunity enhancer and supplements one of the most powerful antioxidants in the form of vitamin C. It is an effective drink to detoxify the liver and manage BP. 
  • Fenugreek tea in the morning is not only one of the 9 best healthy drinks for high blood pressure but also very effective for lowering high blood sugar. Fenugreek comes with high-quality fibre that metabolizes fat and improves sugar metabolism. It lowers high blood pressure and prevents fat deposition in arteries for long term relief from the problem. Faster metabolic rate promoted by this drink keeps patient protected from stress and suppress blood pressure from rising. 
  • Hibiscus tea supplement phytochemicals that possess the potency to control; hypertension naturally. 1-2 cups of hibiscus tea work as a remedy for people suffering from hypertension. This tea suppresses the release of hormones that cause stress and anxiety. It also acts as a powerful ACE inhibitor and prevents blood pressure from peaking at any time of the day. 
  • Beet juice is another drink that is no less than a remedy for hypertension. This juice is loaded with nitrates that relax muscles and blood vessels for smooth flow of blood and counter stress. It is also a good source of potassium and folate both of these are crucial for controlling BP. Beet juice1-2 times in the day is an excellent drink to manage high blood pressure. 
  • Low-fat milk supplements calcium and protein. Both of these are good nutrients to keep you energized and strong. Calcium builds bones and improves the endurance of muscles, it is also a crucial mineral for the calm and relaxed mind, and protein is a muscle builder and energy provider. Drink low-fat or fat-free milk to avoid saturated fats. This is one of the 9 best healthy drinks for high BP. 
  • Pomegranate juice is another highly beneficial drink to lower high blood pressure naturally. It is an ACE inhibitor and also a source of powerful antioxidants. This juice supplements super-charged antioxidants that protect cells and tissues from oxidative stress. 1-2 glasses of pomegranate juice provide relief from hypertension naturally. 
  • Cranberry juice is powerfully anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants. This is also categorized as a drink to manage high blood pressure naturally and for the long term. It has many health benefits which directly indirectly improve the condition of patient of hypertension. One of the benefits of this juice is its ability to keep the urinary system upbeat and healthy. Drink a glass of unsweetened fresh cranberry juice for quick control over high blood pressure. 
  • You can prepare a drink by simply adding one tablespoon of chia seeds to 2 glasses of water. Leave this for 30-40 minutes and later strain. Drink the water and repeat this 2-3 times in the day. It may sound very simple but chia seeds supplement fibre to water when these are soaked in, which improves metabolism of patient of hypertension quickly. It is a simple but effective drink to lower high blood pressure naturally. 
Lower Blood pressure naturally

Best Hypertension Control Supplements 

Maintain water intake along with these drinks. There is no alternative to pure water when comes to health or to control hypertension. Target 2-3 litres of water in the day, on a regular basis.

Healthy water intake prevents blood pressure from rising by maintaining proper elimination of harmful toxins, chemicals and salts from blood and digestive tract.

Water also keeps metabolism faster and maintain the density of blood normal to prevent rapid heart rate

Stresx capsules are highly effective and reliable herbal supplements to control hypertension.

These come with herbs that eliminate harmful minerals, suppress the release of harmful hormones and promote the balanced secretion of health-promoting hormones.

These keep cholesterol level under control, improve the health of arteries, keep nervous system energized and promote healthy brain functions to provide natural cure to high BP.

These are safe supplements and can be used by a person of any age.

Stresx capsules do not cause any dependency as these bring blood pressure under control by improving the body’s natural mechanism. These are safe for a person of any age.


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